Dvision to partner with Admix Play to initiate the virtual brand placement services in the metaverse!

Dvision Network
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2022


The Dvision Network is an ultimate blockchain-based NFT metaverse platform. The Dvision Network establishes a cutting-edge metaverse ecosystem, by utilizing its own VR technology, that helps to lower the entry barriers for all types of users across the globe. Therefore, it allows designers, enterprises and general users to dive into the most advanced metaverse experience.

Dear community members,

We are proud to announce that we have initiated the collaboration with Admix Play, the in-play advertising platform for mobile games and metaverses. The Admix Play strives towards further acceleration of brands’ entrance into the world of blockchain and metaverse to introduce a new virtual advertising touchpoint for the brands and companies within the Dvision World. Admix Play brings over branded advertising experience into our metaverse through its non-intrusive digital advertising utilizing the billboards in the Dvision World.

Partnership Details

The Admix Play is a pioneering monetization solution for virtual worlds, that assists brands to onboard in the leading metaverses with their non-intrusive digital ad format In Play. The advertising brand placement initiated by Admix Play will be extended to the billboards inside of the Dvision World.

Here’s how the digital version of the ads inside of the metaverse will look

This use case introduces the seamless integration of the traditional companies’ brand marketing channels with the Web 3.0 ecosystem. Here, Admix Play performs a crucial role in breaking into the world of metaverses and introducing the opportunity for the trending brands and companies to have innovative exposure with their ads in the Dvision Metaverse. In the future, as a part of our agreement, we might be dropping exclusive NFTs together with Admix Play featuring the most attractive billboards (further details to be disclosed later).

About Admix Play

Admix’s mission in Web3 is to propose and supply creative and innovative solutions which support both creators and communities alike. The goal of Admix is to aid creators in monetizing their corner of the metaverse or power the revenue from their blockchain game while respecting the experiences of their users, retaining the full immersion found within the metaverse.

Admix creates amazing, non-intrusive brand exposure using immersive clubhouse integration, product placements, branded utility NFTs, In-Play billboards, and enjoyable user experiences. This will allow brands to stay visual while keeping gameplay, exploration, and connectivity a priority empowering any Web3 community.

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